How To Brew a Chemex (Video)
Chemex brewing uses the pour over method. It's great for 2 to 3 cups at a time and it yields lots of clarity due to the fine mesh of the filter.
For the Chemex we use a 1 to 16 brew ratio. We'll be using 40 grams of coffee and 640 milliliters of water.
- Grind coffee to a medium-coarse grind
- Rinse and preheat your filter and brewer
- Discard rinse water
- Add your ground coffee to the filter and tare your scale
- Start your timer and add in 80 milliliters of water and allow coffee to bloom for 45 seconds.
- After 45 seconds begin slowly adding your remaining water using one steading consistent stream
- Use your gooseneck kettle to make steady concentric circles starting from the center and working your way out
- You should have poured the remaining 560 milliliters of water in about 2 minutes. Bringing total brew time to 2 minutes and 45 seconds.
- After the coffee has finished dripping, remove the filter and give the Chemex a swirl before serving